Baycar’s master thesis examined intermarriage involving Turk-German couples with a socio-cultural perspective. The research focused on the effect of intermarriage on the lifestylelifestyles and viewviews of the participants. He aimed to interview twenty-six couples, but eleven of them refuserefused to take part in the research. Besides, fifteen of twenty-sixthe twenty-six German participants converted to Islam. According to his findings related to childrens’children’s religious nurture at home. Fifty-one, fifty-one of sixty children raise aswere raised to be Muslim and justonly two of them can be identified as Christian, while the remainedremaining seven children do not have any religious commitment at the moment. Eleven couples who have different religious choiceviews mostly decided to pass Islamic faith and tradition onto their children.
Er’s descriptive article looked into
the problems of intermarried couples and tried to find solutions. He highlighted that couples face more problems after becoming parents. He also gave brief statistical information about interfaith marriage in Turkey. According to him, the most sensitive topic couples have to deal with, is religious choice and religious education of children. TheIn the rest of the article, he gave more details about naming children, and patterns of deciding on inon which religion children will raisebe raised.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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