A professional isn’t just someone who has a degree in the jobfield in which they dowork. A professional is someone who acts the part. They are kind soto their patients, they showshowing up to each appointment on time. They are dressed properly and they are put together, which means they have all of the things that they need in order to do their jobsjob. If someone isn’t a professional, they will often be late to appointments. They, they may make their patientpatients feel bad, and they probably won’t be put together. This puts the health care system in dangerat risk, because first of all if the doctor never showsis late, or doesn't show up to the appointments, then the patients are not going to getreceiving the attention that they need. Also, if the doctor does not have their things together, or if they are distracted, they will not getdo their job done properly, this. This could put the patient in danger.
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.
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