There are several types of commercial classification levels such as public, internal use, confidential, sensitive, and highly sensitive. Public information is just that, it is information that is for public use a few examples of this would include advertising on a website, news paper articles, and general communications. Internal use information is information not generally available to parties outside the organizations. Some examples of internal use information include directories, home phone numbers, administrative information, and strategic plans. Confidential information is information considered private and should be guarded from disclosure. Trade secrets, health information, financial records, and contracts are a few examples of confidential information. Sensitive information is personal or private information that should be guarded from disclosure. Types of sensitive information include birth/birth place, marital status, and home address. Highly sensitive and sensitive information are basically the same but highly sensitive information includes more personal identifiable information (PII). Personal identifiable information (PII) is any data that could potentially identify a specific individual (Rouse, 2014), such as social security number, driver’s license, and personas bank account information. Highly sensitive information is data that must be protected with the highest level of security.

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