The Effect of Video Games Addition
In these
days, video games have become so popular. Most of teenagers did tryhave tried playing video games beforeat some point in their lives, but there are some teenagers who tried playing it and became so addicted with these games. There are three main effects of video games additionaddiction. First, adults who have an addition to visual games usually waste a lot of time playing it. As a result, at the end of the day, they get no time to do other important responsibilities. For example, studying for their exams, doing their home workshomework, and spending enough time with their families and friends. Second, when the players spend a lengthy period in front of their computers playing video games, thatit can lead them to suchto medical issues such as backaches, headaches, and eye strain. Third, the social skills of teenagers who usually play sport or wastespend their hours outside with others, their social skills get developeddevelop more than thethose of youths who just playingplay home games. Thus, when those adolescents go outside doorsoutdoors, they usually do not have the ability to communicate with others as easyeasily as the youngster who used to spend their time outside with the society.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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