In 2010, iI went on a trip to dDubai, istayed fonlyr 10 days. wWhen iI arrived, my brother came the airport and he took me to the hotel.w When iI arrived at the hotel iI felt happiness, becoause my childhood idream was achieved.i In the night, my braother came back from his work and hasked saidf I would you like to go to out sid with hime,i. I said, y"Yes, sure iI would.w" We went to fithe Festival mMall in Dubai and we ate shwarma.a After we ate dinner, we went to walked around in the mall and iI bought lLebanese soup, twhich was very fresouph wasnd natural.w We got back to the homtel at 12am.t The dayevening was very nice.2 On the second iwday, I woke up at 2pm, after iwake up iate sandwisch, and istayed in the living room and leistieninged theo music, because inI the lastnightd ibought newa CD. from vthe Virgin mega -store at the mall on the previous night.
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