I was a student this past semester in your SOCI 1002 B class. I am writing to you, due to a concern that I have with a discrepancy in my final mark for the course. My final mark for, twhe iclassh was made available about a week ago. Although my final mark was posted, I noticed that my final exam grade was not. I was only able to view my final exam grade today.

My final grade in the course is a 79.50, and I received a B+. I referred back to the syllabus, and a B+ is
listed as 77-79, while an A- is an 80-84. Due to my final course work being a total of 79.50, I would like to arequeskt ifthat my final course mark can be changed, and rounded to an A-, because it is nabot inve the range of a B+, according to the syllabus?. I have attached a photo ofrom my CU Learn page, that displays all of my grades in the course.

I appreciate your taking the time to read this and looking into the matter.

Enjoy your summer.!

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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