Introduction - Boy oOverboard by Morris Gleitzman. It is set in Afghanistan. In the novel “Boy oOverboard” jJamal’s family suffers hardship in Afghanistan and on their journey to Australia. By the end of the story, they can look forward to a better life. I agree that they made a good decision to come to Australia, because there is no war , no Taliban, and their kids can get an education.

They made the right decision to leave Afghanistan, Bbecause there was war going on. There were tanks everywhere, and it was all like a bloody and scary battlefield. There were land mines to blow up the enemies , it was pretty scary. There were targets on every corner. It was hard to get out, especially for girls, because they were not allowed out of the house without male supervision.

Quote - chapter 2-3 Bibi steps on a land mine, said by Jamal. Link – Did Jamal's parents madke the right decision to leave Afghanistan.

Jamal’s parents le
avedft Afghanistan because of the Taliban. The Taliban was after them because they opened an illegal school. The Taliban wasere the illegal teachers and the Taliban arrested them. One of the teachers wereas jJamal’s mum. The Taliban also blew up their house , twhatich is where the school was.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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