Growing up with my older brother and my grandfather that adopted me a couple years after my birth was a major difficulty in my life. Being raised without my mom and dad was very challenging because there arewere so many moments I havedid not experiencedexperience. Studies say children with an absent mother tend to have trouble connecting with others. Therefore, that has impacted my life brutally. Growing up without a mother and father, I missed out on family bonding. It caused me to struggle with expressing emotions and,not relying on my parents for support. I've learned that being independent is mandatory to survive in life and that hiding emotion won't help anything.
I was not taught how to convey love, affectonaffection, or kindness as a child. This is the reason I struggle making friends and keeping them. By not showing those emotions, people thought I was an abrupta brusque person who did not care about anyone but herself. But in reality, I had no one but myself. After realizing why I am the way I am, I've decided to better myself and put myself out there and show kindness to all people evenpeople-even to the ones that dislike me. Once I started to change, my life did, too. Family, such as women on my momsmom's side, started coming together, which made it comfortable to express how I feel about things. They have taught me a lot ,; how to care for myself and others, but most importantly, myself. This shaped me in such a way where I am able to be independent.
have faced many challenges and obstacles in life, and with every challenge, I learned something new.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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