Focusing on cultural values, Timothy J. Brown discusses music; how music can be considered an autobiography to display identity and create a voice for the ‘black youth culture’culture. Utilizing Tupac Shakur’s music as a prominent example, Brown talks of the underlying cultural values and their relevance within Shakur’s songs lyrically. The music and or song lyrics that are being analyzed are a form of African American expression, serving as a source of common communication practices that are rooted fromin African American culture and ‘lived experience’experience. Furthermore, Brown makes a point out of Shakur, seeing his struggle as a relatable story to our youth, shinningshining light on what isn’t being heard or seen by our society.
I understand the author’s point of view when he talks about cultural values being apparent with music, poetry, literature, etc.
, thatThat makes loads of sense to me. It’s the relating of the two which he tries to explain that makes my head a little fuzzy. Brown never seems to have his own thoughts bolded, he often relies on other sources to explain his ideas, leaving him with very little to say. Leaving, and leaving me in search of what the authorsauthor's stand point is within his own writing; or in this instance, his very inclusive scholarly journal article, Brown uses Shakur as an example to relate back to culture values which I feel he chooses to throw in as something the reader can connect with, not necessarily using him or his music evidently to make an effective overview and orand/or stance.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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