theThe reason I'm continuing my education with plans of going to college and graduating furtheringfurther with a junior doctordoctorate, is so I can be the first hero for my area. I will help a young manmen in need through my foundationFoundation, the Johnson creation foundationCreation Foundation. I will help with feeding families. I will help with sending kids to college to further their education. I will connect with offices to try and stop gun violence. justJust being wherewherever there's a need. I know I will be a hero for my community.

I know that becoming a hero I know it comes with many obstacles that I am willing to overcome. notNot just for myself but for everyone who has gone through the trials I've been through. I want to become a leader, andan advocate, and a philanthropist etc. I will be the face Theand the voice, someone that made it out. The, the hero for these communities. I am ready to take my seat at the throne.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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