Popular sign at murder crime scenes| Photo source: Cosmos magazine
We live in a world that is increasingly divided. Some regions enjoy sustained peace, security, and prosperity, while others fall into seemingly endless cycles of conflict and violence. Sustainable Development Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions state that
, without peace, stability, human rights and effective governance based on the rule of law, the hope forof achieving sustainable development is only but a dream.
Reading the papers, the tweets, the blogs, the back and forth arguments on social media and news in Africa has left a lot of controversial information about the state of peace in the continent. Waking up every day to news of a man or woman who has committed suicide or was murdered in cold blood, has become the new normal to most Kenyan families and homes.
A report by the World Bank describes that
the high level of violence and insecurity in relationships has significantly destabilized the peace and harmony in the country. This, in turn, affects efforts of sustainable development. The state of the present-day relationships that have, recently hithitting the headlines, is shown where friends and partners have turned wild against one another.
Stress, hopelessness, unemployment, rejection, depression, money and love
hashave turned many relationships into butchersbutchery where love is no longer enjoyed. Pain, sorrow and regrets, separation, and worse, death, 'blanket' relationships. Partners perform all ungodly acts against each other with the excuse of making the wrong choices.
Research shows that nowadays, relationships are no longer considered as a long-term binding decision that one has to make consciously and with the help of prayer and in line with coherent priorities, perspectives and much patience. Although each relationship is unique to the people involved
, the ordeals that follow are devastating to the whole nation.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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