Hey man, yeah! It's your birthday.! You are the craziest person I've which Iever known in my life. SI still I remember the first day I met you. TIt hias been two years and 7 months I've spendt the good times with you. You are the reason behind my smile. You are the one who made my life colourful. Still, I have a question on my mind: wWhy did you waste our time for more than 20 years.? Why didn't you come on 1993 December 25 Tth, on my birthday to propose to me, even if you didn't find me on fFacebook.? Anyway, man, we want to spend the rest of our lifves together, so please keep your diet be healthy. I am very lucky because you are in my life. As usual, I don't know how to wish you, how to make you surprise and, or how to make this day the happiest of the year., Sso please, you may fill these small boxes on behalf of me.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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