The cross-media promotion campaign I will be discussing is 'Olympus Has Fallen'. The genre of the film is an action/thriller, and it starrings Morgan Freeman, whicho is the highest paid actor as he is a well-known actor within the field of presidential roles,. Aaron Eckhart is the main character, and Gerard Butler who is the hero in the moviet. The movieIt is produced by Millennium films; the distributor is Film District, who hasve written the whole movie and. tThe director of the movie is Antoine Fuqua. The wholentire budget for the movie was US$70 million USD, in which the printing and advertising (P&A) used 50% of the film budget; which wasome $35 million. The Printing and Advertising (P&A) were responsible for promoting the movie on TV advertisements, billboards, posters on the buses, posters, and trailers 6-7for six to seven months befpriore to ithes initial release date on 17th April 2013.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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